Am happy about the work you are doing about breast cancer. Am actually a breast cancer survivor since January 1988 when I underwent surgery. I thank God for His mercy, grace, and love. I have survived this long!


I am a breast cancer survivor for 4 ½ years. This October will make 5.


I am happy to report that I am living proof of the importance of getting regular mammograms and ultrasound. Thankfully, my cancer was found early and my prognosis is good!


I’m a breast cancer survivor and this October will be 10 years.


My cancer was caught very early by a routine mammogram. No chemo needed. I had a lumpectomy and radiation, followed up with hormone therapy. I was very lucky and blessed.


Diagnosed Stage 3 grade 3+ IDC HER2+ with lymph node involvement on 11/30/20.
Tomorrow, 5/26/24, will celebrate 3 years no evidence of disease!


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