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Patient Relief Fund

Alaska Breast and Cervical Screening Assistance Program (AK B+C) helps eligible Alaskans get breast and cervical health screenings and has been operating throughout the state since 1995. Since its inception, AK B+C has served over 70,400 people, paid for over 393,000 services with 675 breast cancers detected and 944 cervical pre-cancers detected. Alaska Breast and Cervical Screening Assistance Program enrollees can get mammograms and pap tests paid for by the program. Alaska Breast and Cervical Screening Assistance Program also pays for diagnostic tests when needed, and helps Alaskans get referred for financial support if they need treatment.

The purpose of the AK B+C program is to work toward having all people free of breast and cervical cancer while improving health equity through age-appropriate breast and cervical cancer screening for Alaskans who have income at or below 250% of the federal poverty level. Core to the AK B+C Program is the maintenance of a network of approximately 150 health care providers throughout the state who accept reimbursement from AK B+C to cover the screening services of enrolled clients.

“The Alaska Breast and Cervical Screening Assistance Program is a vital resource for people needing to access breast cancer screening but are experiencing financial barriers. My goal is to make the program as easy to access as possible with online enrollment available at community events, and supportive services such as gas cards to help people travel, sometimes very long distances, to get a mammogram. We thank NBCF for helping Alaskans receive the breast cancer screening they need.” — Anne Remick, Program Director AK B+C


(907) 312-9555
3601 C Street, Suite 322, Anchorage, AK 99503
Visit Alaska Breast & Cervical Screening Assistance Program

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