Banner MD Anderson Cancer Center

Banner MD Anderson Cancer Center at Banner – University Medical Center in Phoenix, Arizona offers comprehensive cancer care programs and services to patients and their loved ones. Our expert team creates a healing environment while offering advanced technologies, treatment alternatives, support services, patient and family amenities, and proven practices.

“The Banner MD Anderson Cancer Center Comprehensive Breast Program seeks to provide excellence in patient care across the entire breast health continuum, from cancer prevention and screening to cancer treatment and post-treatment support. Our experts educate cancer healthcare providers throughout the Phoenix metropolitan area, elevating care throughout our community. We emphasize breast cancer screening, as early detection is important for decreasing breast cancer mortality and decreasing our utilization of aggressive treatment regimens.” — Dr. Vilert Loving, Chief of Breast Imaging & Co-Director, Breast Multi-Disciplinary Program


(602) 521-3700
2901 N. Central Avenue, Suite 160, Phoenix, AZ, 85012
Visit Banner MD Anderson Cancer Center at Banner - University Medical Center

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