
The Nevada Health Centers’ Mammovan remains an active and strong contributor to improving Nevada’s fight against breast cancer. Our Mammovan, along with dedicated clinical and program staff, has now traveled over 322,000 miles since its purchase in 2008 and provides on average over 2,000 women with a mammogram each year. Nevada Health Center’s Mammovan supports both urban and rural areas by traveling to medically underserved and geographically isolated Nevada communities, increasing accessibility for the state’s racially and ethnically diverse population. Mammovan provides screenings directly in the communities where women work, live, and congregate. Without this critical program in our state, Nevada’s breast cancer screening rates, early detection opportunities, education, awareness, and necessary case management services would be critically reduced. The program is funded by the extraordinary efforts and generosity of donors which allows us to give women in our communities the extra support and care they deserve. Funding supports screenings for uninsured and underinsured women, operational costs such as the generators that power the equipment, and maintenance. The Mammovan program also relies on language line services which provide easy access to a live interpreter for patients with limited English proficiency. These services allow patients to understand and respond to procedures, diagnoses, and treatment and empower them to take an active role in managing their healthcare with the Mammovan program.

“With Nevada being 87% rural, the importance of mobile medical services is imperative. The Mammovan has been a strong catalyst in mobile mammography only because of our donors.”


(702) 220-9906
3325 Research Way, Carson City, Nevada 89703
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