Baptist Health breast-cancer-Breast-Center-North-Little-Rock
Mammography Patient Navigation

The physicians, nurses and healthcare professionals at the Baptist Health Breast Centers realize that breast health is an increasingly important issue in women’s lives. Because breast cancer affects 1 in 8 women in the United States, Baptist Health has developed a strong, comprehensive program, including nine breast centers, to provide services for breast health and the diagnosis and treatment of breast disease.

The Baptist Health Breast Center in Little Rock participates in the National Breast Cancer Foundation Patient Navigator Program, a proactive approach to helping patients overcome the barriers of cost, fear, and misinformation surrounding breast cancer and its prevention.

Why Choose Baptist Health for Your Breast Health Services:

  • Experienced radiologists on-site
  • Advanced 3D Mammography
  • Invenia ABUS 2.0 (Automated Breast Ultrasound System) (North Little Rock and Little Rock Breast Centers)
  • 24-hour Mammography results available through Baptist Health MyChart
  • Radiology reads are done on-site by local physicians
  • Nurse navigators available if a cancer diagnosis is made to aid in the patient’s journey and process.
  • Baptist Health Breast Centers-Little Rock and North Little Rock have been designated a Breast Imaging Center of Excellence by the American College of Radiology (ACR).
    No physician referral needed to schedule an appointment.

“I am so proud that we are getting the word out about the program we have in place to help out individuals who need help getting their mammograms and various breast services. With fewer and fewer individuals in the state of Arkansas qualifying for Medicaid, this goes a long way in helping individuals get taken care of.” — Isaac Filat, Executive Director of Retail Imaging, OP Imaging Center


(501) 202-1922
9601 Baptist Health Drive, Little Rock, Arkansas 72205
Lt. Rock Breast Center: 501-202-1922
Ft. Smith Breast Center: 479-709-1913, Option 1
Visit Baptist Health Breast Center - Little Rock & Fort Smith

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