Myth: A breast injury can cause breast cancer
Here’s The Truth
Injuries to the breast do not cause breast cancer.
Injuries caused by car accidents or a blow to the body, for instance, can lead to pain, bruising, or bleeding, which may result in a build-up of blood in the breast, known as a hematoma. Additionally, fat necrosis, or scarring of the breast tissue, can occur following an injury, surgery, or biopsy. Generally, these injuries will heal on their own with time; if you are having a mammogram performed following an injury, however, this may entail additional imaging.
Occasionally, a breast cancer diagnosis may follow an injury, simply because the injury drew attention to a breast lump that had formed previously. However, the injury did not cause the cancer—the cancer was already there. If you know you have scar tissue from a previous injury or have recently suffered a breast injury, let your doctor know prior to your next mammogram.
It is also a good idea to talk with your doctor if you are experiencing breast pain, a recent injury, swelling, change in the skin on or around your breast, or anything that is out of the ordinary for you.
American Cancer Society
The New York Times
Medical News Today